Club Med – Direct travel agency network, France (41 outlets, 150 staff, 350 M€ turnover)

Transform direct agency network to make it more productive and innovative.

Results over 4 years :

  • New shop concept designed and implemented across 60% of the network. Result: more consistent with the brand’s codes, use of new digital technologies and good customer experience in villages
  • Network optimisation: several closures, relocations and new openings, including franchise takeovers
  • Innovative concept launch: Maison Boutique in Lille (Street level, rue Basse)
  • Opening of first ever Appartement Boutique in Paris (Upper floor, 125 avenue des Champs Elysées)
  • Increased conversion rate, higher average customer spending and greater percentage of additional services sold
  • Time optimisation, including the development of an outgoing-call campaign focused on relationship building and transactions, and the organisation of sales initiatives focused on key shopping areas
  • Organisation and rationalisation
  • Launch of a new variable-pay structure consistent with strategic priorities
  • Structuring and implementation of a training programme; identification of high-potential employees; and career paths for salespeople and managers
“Commitment, pragmatism and professionalism”

Over a period of seven years Olivier was responsible for many of our transformation and optimisation projects which he executed with commitment, pragmatism and professionalism. He successfully and efficiently performed the task I gave him, i.e. to transform our direct travel agency network in France, in a particularly difficult economic and geopolitical contextSylvain Rabuel – CEO Business Units Club Med France, Benelux, Switzerland & New Markets Europe Africa

A change management expert

Through his leadership skills, Olivier successfully mobilised his teams to start the strategic transformation of Club Med’s travel agency network in France. As a result the network became more productive and benefited from an improved geographical presence and an innovative and digitalised boutique concept. As a change management expert, Olivier helped sales teams to act as true, nimble and proactive commercial entrepreneursLaurent de Chorivit – VP Sales , Club Med France